SOI Discussion Paper: Distributed Innovation Processes

10. Mai 2024

In der Reihe Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Organisations- und Innovationssoziologie ist das Diskussionspapier »Distributed Innovation Processes. Key Concepts, Case Studies, Current Developments« erschienen:

This paper provides a brief overview of the concepts of collective invention, user innovation, and open innovation. All three terms describe variants of distributed innovation processes and can be linked to further ideas of socio-economic decentralization. First, the conceptual differences between collective invention, user innovation, and open innovation are elaborated. Second, exemplary case studies from the past decades are presented before more recent forms of distributed innovation in the development of information technologies are discussed. In this context, it becomes evident that distributed innovation processes and internal research and development activities in public and private sector organizations are not in competition with each other but rather in a complementary relationship.